Goodwill of Middle Georgia & the CSRA Logo
Goodwill of Middle Georgia Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Logo

The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Team represents various staff levels and departments within the organization. The main goal of the DEI team is to promote an inclusive work environment and to cultivate the importance of diversity and equity within the organization. The team utilizes various resources, such as community partners, educational training, and team members’ experiences to create a more inclusive environment.

For more information, please contact

Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Statement

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee exists to ensure a culture in which all people feel welcomed, valued, and empowered to thrive through training, education, and personal development.

 We have taken formal steps towards promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, and a sense of belonging.

  • Identified and partnered with three new organizations to increase diversity in our candidate pool
  • Implemented DEI mission statement into Goodwill internal radio broadcast
  • Created DEI Calendar to highlight and celebrate key cultural and DEI-related holidays, advocates, and historical figures
  • Participated in a career fair with DEI community partners
  • Completed companywide senior-leader DEI training
  • Established a DEI committee with broad representation from members across the agency

2024 DEI Strategic Objectives

DEI awareness and education through Goodwill in-store radio broadcasting

Policy and Procedures Audit

Company-Wide DEI Training


Spanish/Hispanic Liaison 

DEI Webpage 

Contact Us

Looking for more information about our DEI initiatives?